Love Spain 应用

Love Photo Frames (2016) 1.0
Love Spain
Easy made your own Love Picture! Just select(or take) a photo, select the love frame that looks more romanticfor you.. them you are ready to download or share your love photo!Our Love Frame App it´s very easy to use!- Take a picture or select one from your photo gallery- Select the most romantic frame- Fix Size and position (if need) ―> This will help you to usethe best part of the pic and also hide other parts of the picturethat is not important to you..- Ready! ♥ Save to your gallery or share the picture through SocialNetworksPlease rate ♥♥♥♥♥ our app.. we add fresh frames weekly!Why don’t you give more Romance with some Love PhotoFrames?Our Love Photo Frames FREE APP will beautify all your photos andexpress your love.Decorate your photos of the most special moments with the loveof your life, wedding photos, Valentine's day and more..Intensify your love toward your honey.. highlight your love! ♥♥Don’t deleted or crop your photo anymore ―> You can make itmore beautiful by decorating them with romantic picture frames withlove theme.All your pictures.. all the moments spent together and all yourphoto kiss will look more beautiful and romantic with thesedecorative photo frames.+ 50 Love Frames ( HD - ready to be used )+ 20 Social Networks and Sharing options:- Share through WhatsApp friends- Send pictures to your Facebook & Google + friends- Post the framed pictures in your Facebook & Google +- Send by bluetooth- Tweet and share the best photos on Twitter- Upload photos to your Picassa- Send images through message and Email- Upload pictures to your DropBox account- Add photos to Instagram , Pinterest, Flickr, Tumblr and manymore!- You can “Set as Wallpaper” and start to enjoy in your smartphonea lovely wallpaper- Download the picture of your selection and store it in the SDmemoryOur beautiful photo frames are inspired by love and romance… Forall the romantic souls around the world!Disclaimer:All trademarks mentioned belong to their owners, third partybrands, product names, trade names, corporate names and companynames mentioned may be trademarks of their respective owners orregistered trademarks of other companies.About Internet Usage:Application uses Internet connection to load images.About Ads:There are ads in this app. Application is free, it does not promotepaid version of this app, the only way to support futuredevelopment is to include ads. Please treat that withunderstanding.
La Historia de Amor ❤️Imagenes 1.3
Love Spain
Con nuestra app, obtendras nuevas imagenesde amor para whatsapp, y imagenes de amor con frasespara descargar.Te presentamos "La historia de Amor", de Emilio y Paulina,unapareja de Ranas que viven una historia de amor 2.0 muy romantica.Todas las imagenes con frases de amor de nuestra aplicacion, soncreadas para que las puedas enviar por Whatsapp a la persona queamas, tambien son imagenes romanticas nuevas con frases, quelograran sorprender y enamorar.Las Imagenes con Frases de Amor estan en Español - Tambien tenemosFrases Reggaeton Romanticas, de amor Mexicanas, EspañolasArgentinas, Latinas, etcEnvianos tu frase de amor favorita cuando realices tu voto!Actualizamos semanalmente.Descarga la aplicacion mas tierna en español! Una bellisimahistoria de amor, con Images y Fotos de Amor super tiernas ynovedosas.La Historia de Amor, lograras cautivar a tu amor, con tiernasimagenes. La aplicacion esta perfectamente diseñada y es de muyfacil uso! Pensada para expresar con imagenes el tan lindosentimiento de estar enamorado!100% lista, para compartir las imagenes de amor por Whatsapp contu pareja o quien quieras!Es posible descargar las imagenes que te gusten y tambienutilizarlas como Wallpaper - Fondo de Escritorio facilmente.Porque Instalar "La Historia de Amor - Imagenes de AmorApp"?1) Imagenes de Amor unicas, novedosas y romanticas. Una supertierna Historia de amor2) Gratis. Muy facil y simple de usar - Desliza para ver una nuevaimagen de la historia de amor2) Excelente diseño y contenido exclusivo!3) Presiona el boton (❤) en cada imagen que desees descargar a tusmartphone o tarjeta de memoria.4) Presiona "Share" y envia la imagen de amor en WhatsApp, -Tambien puedes publicar facilmente en tu Facebook, Twitter,enviarla por email y mucho mas!5) Puedes mirar las ultimas fotos subidas, Aleatorias oCategorizadas por temas6) Muy facilmente utiliza la imagen romantica como fondo de tupantalla (Presiona "Set Wallpaper” y listo!)7) Actualizamos diariamente sin necesidad de que actualizes laaplicacion.Te presentamos "La historia de Amor', de Emilio y Pauilna, que comotoda pareja viven una historia de amor 2.0 muy romantica, se envianmensajes de amor diariamente por Whatsapp, se envian mensajesromanticos...Es por ello que tenemos imagenes de amor de todas las situaciones ycategorias..- "Me gustas mas que.."- "El amor es.."- "Te Amo"- "Te Extraño"- "Mensajes de Amor"- "Frases Cortas"- "No me Olvides"- "Perdon"- "Invitaciones"- "Amor a primera vista"y muchas..Algunas otras caracteristicas de nuestra Aplicacion "LaHistoria de Amor - Imagenes de Amor App"?:- Sube facilmente las fotos a Instagram & Picasa, y cuentade Dropbox- “Random” - Presione “random” y vera aleatoriamente nuevas fotosde amor.Por favor, si le gusto nuestra aplicacion gratuita, envie suvoto! ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ y recuerda envianos tu frase de amor favoritacuando realices tu voto! Actualizamos semanalmente.About Internet Usage:Application uses Internet connection to load images.Disclaimer:All trademarks mentioned belong to their owners, third partybrands, product names, trade names, corporate names and companynames mentioned may be trademarks of their respective owners orregistered trademarks of other companies.About Ads:This it´s a free super-lite ads application. There are ads in thisapp. App is free, it does not promote paid version of this app, theonly way to support development and content is to include ads.About images:We use only Legal and Non-Watermarked pictures, photos, andcollages.Our App host Images that are 100% originals and exclusive custommade.We have also CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) resources from StockImages:(Pixabay, Stocksnap, PicJumbo, Pexels, Gratisography)If you are the owner of an image or video and want to be givencredit for your work or want it out of the app - just send us anemail and we will take care of it immediately.With our app, you willget new images of love for whatsapp and phrases of love imagesto download.We present "History of Love" by Emilio and Paulina, a couple offrogs living a love story very romantic 2.0. All images with wordsof love in our application, are created so that you can sendWhatsApp to the person you love, romantic images are also newphrases, they managed to surprise and love.Phrases pictures love are in Spanish - also have phrases ReggaetonRomance, love of Mexican, Argentine Spanish, Latin, etc.Send us your favorite phrase of love when you make your vote!Updated weekly.Get the most tender application in Spanish! A beautiful lovestory, with Images and Photos super tender and new love.The History of Love, achieved it captivate your love, tenderimages. The application is well designed and very easy to use!Designed to express with pictures so cute feeling of being inlove!100% ready to share the images of love WhatsApp with yourpartner or whoever you want!You can download the images that you like and also use them asWallpaper - Desktop Fund easily.For Install "The History of Love - Love Stock App" ?1) Images of unique, innovative and romantic love. A supertender love story2) Free. Very easy and simple to use - Slide to see a new image ofthe love story2) Excellent design and exclusive content!3) Press the (❤) button on each image you wish to download to yoursmartphone or memory card.4) Click "Share" and sends the image of love WhatsApp, - also youcan easily publish to your Facebook, Twitter, send email andmore!5) You can see the latest photos uploaded random or categorized bytopics6) Very easily use the romantic image as your desktop background(Press "Set Wallpaper" and go!)7) daily update without that you update the application.We present "History of Love 'by Emilio and Pauilna, that like anycouple living a love story 2.0 very romantic, loving messages aresent daily by Whatsapp, romantic messages are sent ...That is why we love pictures all situations and categories..- "I like you more than .."- "Love is.."- "I love you"- "I miss you"- "Love messages"- "Short phrases"- "Do not forget me"- "Forgiveness"- "Invitations"- "Love at first sight"and many ..Some other features of our application "The History of Love -Love Stock App":- Easily Upload photos to Instagram & Picasa and Dropboxaccount- "Random" - Press "random" and randomly vera new pictures oflove.Please, if you like our free application, send your vote! ★ ★★ ★ ★ remember and send your favorite phrase of love when you makeyour vote! Updated weekly.About Internet Usage:Application use Internet connection to load images.Disclaimer:All Mentioned trademarks belong to Their owners, third partybrands, product names, trade names, corporate names and companynames Mentioned May be trademarks of Their respective owners orregistered trademarks of other companies.About Ads:This it's a free super-lite application ads. There are ads in thisapp. App is free, it does not Promote paid version of this app, theonly way to support and content development is to includeads.About images:We use only Legal and Non-Watermarked pictures, photos, andcollages.Our host App Images that are 100% originals and exclusive custommade.We have also CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) from resources StockImages:(Pixabay, Stocksnap, PicJumbo, Pexels, Gratisography)If you are the owner of an image or video and want to be Givencredit for your work or want it out of the app - just send us anemail and we will take care of it immediately.
Imagens de Amor 🇧🇷❤️ 1.1
Love Spain
🇧🇷 Imagens & Mensagens de amor é umaplicativo que criamos com imagens de amor & mensagens de amor, para que você possa compartilhar com a pessoa que você ama,através de seus aplicativos favoritos, redes sociais e aplicativosde mensagens y mais!Se você não sabe como criar cartões de amor ou para se dizeralgo bonito ou dizer que você ama o seu parceiro, ou se você querconquistar alguém que você gosta, , ou eu não consegue pensar emboas mensagens, frases ou poemas, não se preocupe, porque nós ocriamos para que você este aplicativo es para você★ Baixar: Gostou salvo. você pode salvar todas as imagens quequiser em seu aparelho.★ Qualidade: São as melhores imagens disponível em umaplicativo.★ Compartilhar: disponível para todas redes sociais com o toque deum botão.★ Idioma A aplicação é de 100% em português, esqueça os aplicativosque estão em outras línguas do que o seu, você vai encontrar tudoaqui no seu idioma.Excelente coleção com o melhor frases românticas em imagens, quevocê pode compartilhar com os amigos, a família eo amor de suavida, por meio de suas redes sociais favoritasImages de amor exclusivamente criadas para felicitar o dia dosnamorados, aniversário ou simplesmente para lembrar à pessoa quevocê mais ama nesta vida, que ela é a coisa mais importante paravocê.Esperamos que este aplicativo de pensamentos de aImagens &Mensagens de amor esteja ao seu gosto e se quiser, agradeceríamosse você valorasse este aplicativo positivamente, para ajudar-nos acontinuar a melhorar este aplicativo, incluindo novas mensagens deamor em português!🇧🇷 Images & LoveMessages is an application we created with images of love &love messages, so you can share with the person you love, throughyour favorite applications, social networking and y messagingapplications more !If you do not know how to create love cards or to saysomething nice or say that you love your partner, or if you want towin someone you like, or I can not think of good messages, phrasesor poems, not worry because we have created for you this es app foryou★ Download: liked saved. you can save all the images you wantin your phone.★ Quality: They are the best images available in anapplication.★ Share: available for all social networks at the touch of abutton.★ Language The application is 100% in Portuguese, forget theapplications that are in languages ​​other than yours, you willfind everything here in your language.Excellent collection with the best romantic phrases in imagesthat you can share with friends, family and the love of your lifethrough your favorite social networksImages of love created exclusively to congratulateValentine's Day, birthday or just to remember that the person youlove most in this life, it is the most important thing foryou.We hope this application thoughts aImagens & Lovemessages is to your liking and if you want, we would appreciate ifyou valorasse this application positively, to help us continue toimprove this app, including new messages of love inPortuguese!
Love Sticky Notes ❤️ 1.0
Love Spain
Really nice, and super cute Love Stickynotes, so you can chooose and easy take notes on it!You have the ability to change background colors, font sizes, andshare note text to other apps!Our Romantic sticky notes are Resizable, scrollable, andready to take all notes that you wish.A lightweight, no-nonsense Love Sticky Notes widget. Nopermissions required!It gives you a quick and simple notepad editing experience whenyou write notes, your love memories, anniversaries, importantdates, memos, e-mails, messages, shopping lists, to-do lists andmuch more!Why download "Love Sticky Notes" ?- Simple, Romantic and awesome notepad app.- Like a simple word processing program, the text option allows foras many characters as you're willing to type.( Once saved, you can edit, share, or delete the note)- Multiple fonts and different text sizes make it even morefriendly to use.- Super cute Design (more than 10 differents notes themes) to takenotes and navigate with minimum clicks and taps- Multiple colors for stickies & Cool themes.- Smartphone & Tablet friendlyLove Sticky Notes is the ultimate application to create LovelySticky Notes on your smartphone.Please, rate us if you like our App! ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Send us your bestlove quote, phrase or message!About Ads:This it´s a free and super-lite ads application. There are ads inthis app. Application is free, it does not promote paid version ofthis app, the only way to support future development and content isto include ads. Please treat that with understanding.Disclaimer:All trademarks mentioned belong to their owners, third partybrands, product names, trade names, corporate names and companynames mentioned may be trademarks of their respective owners orregistered trademarks of other companies.
Dia de San Valentin (2016) 1.0
Love Spain
¡Ya llega el Dia de San Valentín! Uno delos días más esperados por los enamorados de todo el mundo..Instala ya y comienza a descargar GRATIS cientas de imágenes delDia de San Valentin, para enviar por WhatsApp, Facebook,descargarlas y mucho mas!Ademas.. nuestra app del Dia de San Valentin, tiene cuentas deFrases y Mensajes de amor para copiar el Texto y enviarlofácilmente por WhatsApp y otros..Llego el 14 de Febrero, por el lanzamos “Dia de San Valentin”la app ideal para celebrar este día tan especial!Si bien somos de los que decimos que “el amor se celebra todoslos días”, también sabemos que esta es una fecha ideal paraexpresar todo nuestro amor... por eso.. nada mejor que nuestraapp….¡Disfruta de nuestras galerías de imágenes realmentepreciosas! (APLICACION MUY FACIL DE UTILIZAR)Llena de originales imágenes para festejar el día del amor con esapersona que amamos profunda e intensamente.No solo encontraras Imagenes de Amor con Frases para el Dia delos Enamorados, sino que también de una manera muy rápida estaráscompartiendo los mensajes de texto, con quien tu quieras.. un botóny listo!Los románticos de corazón, reciben del Día del amor como uno delos acontecimientos más lindos e importantes de todo el año.El secreto para un amor sincero y duradero es no dejar pasarningún detalle por alto… es tu oportunidad para demostrar amor!Haz de este día un súper día, es tu momento de demostrarle todotu cariño y amor a tu compañero de vida, te aseguro que él o ellase lo merecen,Esperamos que encuentres las mejores imágenes de San Valentínpara la persona que amas, te aseguramos que le van a encantarPorque descargar nuestra APP "Dia de San Valentin(2016)?1) Muy facil y simple de usar - Desliza para ver una nueva imagende amor2) Excelente diseño y contenido exclusivo! Solo en Español -Castellano para el dia de San Valentin3) Presiona el boton, en cada imagen que desees descargar a tusmartphone o tarjeta de memoria.4) Presiona "Share" y envia la imagen del dia de los enamorados porWhatsApp, - Tambien puedes publicar facilmente en tu Facebook,Twitter, enviarla por email y mucho mas!Por favor, si le gusto nuestra aplicacion gratuita, envie suvoto junto con una frase Romantica para celebrar este tan hermosodia del amor (★ ★ ★ ★ ★)About Internet Usage:Application uses Internet connection to load images.Disclaimer:All trademarks mentioned belong to their owners, third partybrands, product names, trade names, corporate names and companynames mentioned may be trademarks of their respective owners orregistered trademarks of other companies.About Ads:This it´s a free and super-lite ads application. There are ads inthis app. Application is free, it does not promote paid version ofthis app, the only way to support future development and content isto include ads. Please treat that with understanding.About images:We use only Legal and Non-Watermarked pictures, photos, andcollages.Our App host Images that are 100% originals and exclusive custommade.We have also CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) resources from StockImages:(Pixabay, Stocksnap, PicJumbo, Pexels, Gratisography)If you are the owner of an image or video and want to be givencredit for your work or want it out of the app - just send us anemail and we will take care of it immediately.Here comes theValentine's Day! One of the most anticipated days lovers worldwide..Install now and start downloading FREE hundred pictures ofValentine's Day to send WhatsApp, Facebook, download and muchmore!Additionally .. our app Valentine's Day, has accounts phrases andmessages of love to copy the text and easily send it via WhatsAppand others ..I arrive on February 14 for the launch "Valentine's Day"the ideal place to celebrate this special day app!If we are good to those who say that "love is celebratedevery day," we also know that this is an ideal time to express ourlove ... so .. nothing better than our app ....Enjoy our galleries really pretty pictures! (Very easyto use application)Full of original images to celebrate the day of love with theperson we love deeply and intensely.Not only find images of love with phrases for Valentine'sDay, but also in a very fast way you will be sharing text messageswith anyone you like .. a button and voila!The romantic at heart, are the Day of love as one of themost beautiful and important events throughout theyear.The secret to a sincere and lasting love is not to miss nodetail overlooked ... it's your chance to show love!Make this day a super day, it's your time to show all youraffection and love for your life partner, I assure you that he orshe deserve it,We hope you find the best Valentine images to the one youlove, we assure you that you'll loveFor downloading our APP "Valentine's Day (2016)1) Very easy and simple to use - Slide to see a new image oflove2) Excellent design and exclusive content! Only in Spanish -Castilian for Valentine's Day3) Press the button on each image you wish to download to yoursmartphone or memory card.4) Click "Share" and sends the image of lovers day by WhatsApp, -also you can easily publish to your Facebook, Twitter, send emailand more!Please, if you like our free application, send your votewith a phrase Romantica to celebrate this beautiful day of love (★★ ★ ★ ★)About Internet Usage:Application use Internet connection to load images.Disclaimer:All Mentioned trademarks belong to Their owners, third partybrands, product names, trade names, corporate names and companynames Mentioned May be trademarks of Their respective owners orregistered trademarks of other companies.About Ads:This it's a free and super-lite application ads. There are ads inthis app. Application is free, it does not Promote paid version ofthis app, the only way to support future development and content isto include ads. Please treat With That understanding.About images:We use only Legal and Non-Watermarked pictures, photos, andcollages.Our host App Images that are 100% originals and exclusive custommade.We have also CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) from resources StockImages:(Pixabay, Stocksnap, PicJumbo, Pexels, Gratisography)If you are the owner of an image or video and want to be Givencredit for your work or want it out of the app - just send us anemail and we will take care of it immediately.
Cartelitos de Amor y Romance❤️ 1.0
Love Spain
Llego la mejor app de Amor enCastellano,con Frases de Amor Dedicadas!La aplicacion funciona de manera muy practica ysuperromantica.. Tan solo ingresa tu nombre y el de tu pareja..ensegundos comenzaras a ver diferentes tarjetas de Amorcondedicatorias..Las +500 tarjetas de Amor que se crean en segundos e incluyenunaromantica frase de amor, junto con sus nombres incluidos!Una vez que eliges una de las tarjetas de Amor creadas detuagrado, podras tan solo con un boton, descargarla a tu smartphoneotarjeta de memoria, o compartirla mediante Whatsapp,Facebook,Twitter y redes sociales!!Sorprende a tu pareja! No continues enviando a tu pareja,tansolo imagenes de Amor.. las imagenes creadas con nuestra APPsonunicas.. creadas especialmente para ustedes! ... Todas Incluyenunafrase de amor o poema, tu nombre y el de tu pareja!Porque descargar nuestra APP "Frases de AmorDedicadas❤️"?1) Crea tarjetas de Amor UNICAS y Dedicadas--> Todasincluiransus nombres2) Muy facil y simple de usar - Desliza para ver + 500 tarjetasdeamor3) Excelente diseño y contenido exclusivo! Frases Solo en Español-Castellano4) Presiona el boton en cada imagen que desees descargar atusmartphone o tarjeta de memoria.5) Presiona el boton de compartir y envia la imagen de amorcreadaen WhatsApp, - Tambien puedes publicar facilmente en tuFacebook,Twitter, enviarla por email y mucho mas!6) Actualizamos diariamente sin necesidad de que actualizeslaaplicacion.Algunas otras caracteristicas de nuestra APP "Frases deAmorDedicadas ❤️":- Solamente ingresa tu nombre/sobrenombre y el de tu pareja yapreta"CREAR"- Envia de manera inmediata la imagen romantica de tu agradoporWhatsapp- Sube facilmente las fotos a Instagram & Picasa, y cuentadeDropboxPor favor, si le gusto nuestra aplicacion gratuita, envie suvotojunto con una frase Romantica ★ ★ ★ ★ ★About Internet Usage:Application uses Internet connection to load images.Disclaimer:All trademarks mentioned belong to their owners, third partybrands,product names, trade names, corporate names and companynamesmentioned may be trademarks of their respective owners orregisteredtrademarks of other companies.About Ads:This it´s a free and super-lite ads application. There are adsinthis app. Application is free, it does not promote paid versionofthis app, the only way to support future development and contentisto include ads. Please treat that with understanding.About images:We use only Legal and Non-Watermarked pictures, photos,andcollages.Our App host Images that are 100% originals and exclusivecustommade.We have also CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) resources fromStockImages:(Pixabay, Stocksnap, PicJumbo, Pexels, Gratisography)If you are the owner of an image or video and want to begivencredit for your work or want it out of the app - just send usanemail and we will take care of it immediately.I get the best appofLove in Castilian, with phrases Dedicated Love!The application works in a very practical andsuperromantic way .. Just enter your name and your partner .. insecondsbegin to see different cards with autographs Love..+500 Love the cards that are created in seconds andincludea romantic words of love, along with theirnamesincluded!Once you choose a Love cards created to your liking,youcan just with one button, download it to your smartphone ormemorycard, or share it via Whatsapp, Facebook, Twitter andsocialnetworks !!Surprise your partner! Do not continue sendingyourpartner, just images of love .. the images created with our APPareunique .. created especially for you! ... All include a phraseorlove poem, your name and your partner!For downloading our APP "Dedicated phrases❤️Love"?1) Make Love cards unique and Dedicated -> All includetheirnames2) easy and simple to use - Slide for 500 cards Love +3) Excellent design and exclusive content! Only sentences inSpanish- Castilian4) Press the button on each image you wish to download toyoursmartphone or memory card.5) Press the button to share and send the image created inWhatsApplove - can also easily post to your Facebook, Twitter, sendemailand more!6) We update daily without that you updatetheapplication.Some other features of our APP "Dedicated ❤️phrasesLove":- Only enter your name / nickname and your partner andpress"Create"- Send immediately the romantic image of your likingforWhatsapp- Easily Upload photos to Instagram & Picasa andDropboxaccountPlease, if you like our free application, send your vote withaphrase Romantica ★ ★ ★ ★ ★About Internet Usage:Application use Internet connection to load images.Disclaimer:All Mentioned trademarks belong to Their owners, third partybrands,product names, trade names, corporate names and companynamesMentioned May be trademarks of Their respective owners orregisteredtrademarks of other companies.About Ads:This it's a free and super-lite application ads. There are adsinthis app. Application is free, it does not Promote paid versionofthis app, the only way to support future development and contentisto include ads. Please treat With That understanding.About images:We use only Legal and Non-Watermarked pictures, photos,andcollages.Our host App Images that are 100% originals and exclusivecustommade.We have also CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) from resourcesStockImages:(Pixabay, Stocksnap, PicJumbo, Pexels, Gratisography)If you are the owner of an image or video and want to beGivencredit for your work or want it out of the app - just send usanemail and we will take care of it immediately.
Amor y Reggaeton (2016)-Frases 1.0
Love Spain
Frases de Amor de Reggaeton - LetrasdeReggaeton de Amor (2016)Siente el ritmo caliente y el romance que traen las cancionesdeReggaeton... comparte las frases de amor de Reggaetonmastiernas..Presentamos la nueva aplicacion de Frases de Amor deReggaeton- Letras de Reggaeton de Amor (2016) ❤️ para compartirenWhatsapp.Nuestra collecion de frases de amor, contiene las fotosmasromanticas con frases en ESPAÑOL de las mejores cancionesdeReggaeton.Frases de Amor, extraidas de las letras de las cancionesdeO'neill Ft Wisin Y Gocho,J. ALVAREZ, Rakim Y Keny, Arcángel, Chayanne, Cali & ElDandee,Fondo Flamenco..Tambien, ademas de las frases, tenemos creadas imagenes conFrasesde Amor y Reggaeton, con los extractos mas romanticos de lasletrasde.. Vico C, Omar Alfanno,beyonce, Pitbull, Mickey Love & Jeivy Dance, Farruko,Kendo,Nicky Jam, Daddy Yankee y Calle 13 entre otros..Las mejores canciones de Reggaeton, con Letras deAmorideales para dedicar..Queremos ser la app mejor valorada de Amor & Reggaeton,espor eso, que creamos una app muy facil y simple de usar, donde en2simples pasos estaras compartiendo la frase o imagen de amorporWhatsapp, Facebook, Twitter o tus redes sociales favoritas!Frases de amor unicas, nuevas frescas, novedosas, muy tiernasysobre todo muy romanticas.. tan calientes como unbuenReggaeton...Nuestra app, posee Frases de Amor de Reggaeton para copiareltexto y enviarlo facilmente, y tambien tiene imagenes de amor,conlas frases dentro.. utiliza la que prefieras!!Complementamente lista, para compartir las imagenes de amorporWhatsapp con tu pareja o quien quieras!1) Muy facil y simple de usar - Desliza para ver una nuevaimagende amor2) Excelente diseño y contenido exclusivo! Solo en Español-Castellano3) Actualizamos semalmente sin necesidad de que actualizeslaaplicacion.Contenido de Amor & Reggaeton! Envianos tu frases /cantantefavorito y la agregamos!Algunas otras caracteristicas de nuestra APP:- Envia de manera inmediata la imagen romantica por Whatsapp- Sube facilmente las fotos a Instagram & Picasa, y cuentadeDropboxPor favor, si le gusto nuestra aplicacion gratuita, envie suvotojunto con una letra Romantica ★ ★ ★ ★ ★About Internet Usage:Application uses Internet connection to load images.Disclaimer:All trademarks mentioned belong to their owners, third partybrands,product names, trade names, corporate names and companynamesmentioned may be trademarks of their respective owners orregisteredtrademarks of other companies.About Ads:This it´s a free and super-lite ads application. There are adsinthis app. Application is free, it does not promote paid versionofthis app, the only way to support future development and contentisto include ads. Please treat that with understanding.About images:We use only Legal and Non-Watermarked pictures, photos,andcollages.Our App host Images that are 100% originals and exclusivecustommade.We have also CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) resources fromStockImages:(Pixabay, Stocksnap, PicJumbo, Pexels, Gratisography)If you are the owner of an image or video and want to begivencredit for your work or want it out of the app - just send usanemail and we will take care of it immediately.phrases LoveReggaeton- Reggaeton Song of Love (2016)Feel the hot pace and bringing romance songs Reggaeton ...sharesthe phrases Reggaeton tenderest love ..Introducing the new application of phrases Love Reggaeton-Reggaeton Song of Love (2016) to share on Whatsapp ❤️ .Our words of love Collection contains the most romanticphotoswith phrases in SPANISH of the best songsofReggaeton.Love phrases, taken from the lyrics of Wisin Y GochoFtO'neill,J. ALVAREZ, Rakim Y Keny, Archangel, Chayanne, Cali & ElDandee,Flemish Fund ..Also, in addition to the sentences, have created images withphrasesof Love and Reggaeton, with excerpts from the most romanticsong ..Vico C, Omar Alfanno,Beyonce, Pitbull, Jeivy Mickey Love & Dance, Farruko,Kendo,Nicky Jam, Daddy Yankee and Calle 13 among others..Best Reggaeton songs with lyrics Love ideal tospend..We want to be the best app valued Love &Reggaeton,that's why, we create a very simple and easy app to use,where 2single estaras steps sharing the phrase or image of lovebyWhatsapp, Facebook, Twitter or your favorite socialnetworks!Unique phrases of love, new fresh, innovative, verytenderand very romantic .. especially as hot as a goodReggaeton...Our app has phrases Love Reggaeton to copy the textandsend it easily, and also has pictures of love, with the phrasesyouuse inside .. that prefer !!Complementamente list to share pictures with Whatsapplovefor your partner or whoever you want!1) Very easy and simple to use - Swipe to see a newimageof love2) Excellent design and exclusive content! Only in Spanish-Castilian3) update semalmente without that you updatetheapplication.Love & Reggaeton content! Send us your phrases/favorite singer and add it!Some other features of our APP:- Send immediately the romantic image for Whatsapp- Easily upload photos to Instagram & Picasa andDropboxaccountPlease, if you like our free app, send your vote withaletter Romantica ★ ★ ★ ★ ★About Internet Usage:Application use Internet connection to load images.Disclaimer:All Mentioned trademarks belong to Their owners, third partybrands,product names, trade names, corporate names and companynames May betrademarks Mentioned of Their respective owners orregisteredtrademarks of other companies.About Ads:This it's a free and super-lite application ads. There are adsinthis app. Application is free, it does not Promote paid versionofthis app, the only way to support future development and contentisto include ads. Please treat That With understanding.About images:We use only Legal and Non-Watermarked pictures, photos,andcollages.Our host App Images that are 100% originals and exclusivecustommade.We have also CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) resources fromStockImages:(Pixabay, Stocksnap, PicJumbo, Pexels, Gratisography)If you are the owner of an image or video and want to beGivencredit for your work or want it out of the app - just send usanemail and we will take care of it immediately.
Imagenes de Amor para Whatsapp 1.7
Love Spain
LLego la nueva aplicacion de ImagenesdeAmor ❤️para compartir en Whatsapp.Nuestra collecion de imagenes de amor, contiene las fotosmasromanticas con frases en ESPAÑOL.Queremos ser la app mejor valorada en castellano, es por eso,quecreamos una app muy facil y simple de usar, donde en 2 simplespasosestaras compartiendo la imagen de amor por Whatsapp,Facebook,Twitter o tus redes sociales favoritas!Una bellisima seleccion de Images y Fotos de Amorencastellano!Imagenes de amor unicas, nuevas frescas, novedosas, muy tiernasysobre todo muy romanticas!Complementamente lista, para compartir las imagenes de amorporWhatsapp con tu pareja o quien quieras!Porque descargar nuestra APP "Imagenes de AmorparaWhatsapp"?1) Muy facil y simple de usar - Desliza para ver una nueva imagendeamor2) Excelente diseño y contenido exclusivo! Solo en Español-Castellano3) Presiona el boton (❤) en cada imagen que desees descargar atusmartphone o tarjeta de memoria.4) Presiona "Share" y envia la imagen de amor en WhatsApp, -Tambienpuedes publicar facilmente en tu Facebook, Twitter,enviarla poremail y mucho mas!5) Puedes mirar las ultimas fotos subidas, AleatoriasoCategorizadas por temas6) Muy facilmente utiliza la imagen romantica como fondo detupantalla (Presiona "Set Wallpaper” y listo!)7) Actualizamos diariamente sin necesidad de que actualizeslaaplicacion.Contenido de amor exclusivo!+ 20 Categorias de Imagenes de Amor en nuestra aplicacion!Nuestra romantica coleccion de fotos de amor, esta superorganizadaen categorias;Frases de Amor Latinas, Imagenes de Amor, Frases de temasmusicalesRomanticos de Reggaeton, Lentos y Bachata, Frases deBuenos diasAmor, Propuestas de amor y muchas mas!Algunas otras caracteristicas de nuestra APP:- Envia de manera inmediata la imagen romantica por Whatsapp- Sube facilmente las fotos a Instagram & Picasa, y cuentadeDropbox- “Random” - Presione “random” y vera aleatoriamente nuevas fotosdeamor.Por favor, si le gusto nuestra aplicacion gratuita, envie suvotojunto con una frase Romantica ★ ★ ★ ★ ★About Internet Usage:Application uses Internet connection to load images.Disclaimer:All trademarks mentioned belong to their owners, third partybrands,product names, trade names, corporate names and companynamesmentioned may be trademarks of their respective owners orregisteredtrademarks of other companies.About Ads:This it´s a free and super-lite ads application. There are adsinthis app. Application is free, it does not promote paid versionofthis app, the only way to support future development and contentisto include ads. Please treat that with understanding.About images:We use only Legal and Non-Watermarked pictures, photos,andcollages.Our App host Images that are 100% originals and exclusivecustommade.We have also CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) resources fromStockImages:(Pixabay, Stocksnap, PicJumbo, Pexels, Gratisography)If you are the owner of an image or video and want to begivencredit for your work or want it out of the app - just send usanemail and we will take care of it immediately.Came the newapplicationof Love Stock ❤️para Whatsapp share .Our Collection images of love, contains the most romanticphotoswith phrases in SPANISH.We want to be the best app worth Castilian, that is why,wecreated a very simple and easy to use app where in 2 simplesteps'llbe sharing the image of love for Whatsapp, Facebook,Twitter or yourfavorite social networks!A beautiful selection of Images and Photos LoveinCastilian!Stock love unique, new, fresh, innovative, very tender and aboveallvery romantic!Complementamente list to share pictures with Whatsapp love foryourpartner or whoever you want!For downloading our APP "Images of loveforWhatsapp"?1) Very easy and simple to use - Slide to see a new imageoflove2) Excellent design and exclusive content! Only in Spanish-Castilian3) Press the (❤) button on each image you wish to download toyoursmartphone or memory card.4) Click "Share" and sends the image of love WhatsApp, - alsoyoucan easily publish to your Facebook, Twitter, send emailandmore!5) You can see the latest photos uploaded random or categorizedbytopics6) very easily use the romantic image as your desktopbackground(Press "Set Wallpaper" and go!)7) daily update without that you updatetheapplication.Love exclusive content!+ 20 Categories of Stock Love in our application!Our romantic love photo collection, this super-organizedintocategories;Latinas Love phrases, images of love, phrases RomanticReggaetonsongs, slow and Bachata, phrases Good morning Love, loveproposalsand thousands more!Some other features of our APP:- Send immediately the romantic image for Whatsapp- Easily Upload photos to Instagram & Picasa andDropboxaccount- "Random" - Press "random" and randomly vera new picturesoflove.Please, if you like our free application, send yourvotewith a phrase Romantica ★ ★ ★ ★ ★About Internet Usage:Application use Internet connection to load images.Disclaimer:All Mentioned trademarks belong to Their owners, third partybrands,product names, trade names, corporate names and companynamesMentioned May be trademarks of Their respective owners orregisteredtrademarks of other companies.About Ads:This it's a free and super-lite application ads. There are adsinthis app. Application is free, it does not Promote paid versionofthis app, the only way to support future development and contentisto include ads. Please treat With That understanding.About images:We use only Legal and Non-Watermarked pictures, photos,andcollages.Our host App Images that are 100% originals and exclusivecustommade.We have also CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) from resourcesStockImages:(Pixabay, Stocksnap, PicJumbo, Pexels, Gratisography)If you are the owner of an image or video and want to beGivencredit for your work or want it out of the app - just send usanemail and we will take care of it immediately.
Love Calendar Card ❤️ 1.0
Love Spain
Create an Unique, Fresh and romanticLoveCard in a few seconds.. Better than a LoveDaysCounter..!Just enter your names, select/upload a picture, and select thedatesince you are together... That´s all!YOU CREATED THE VIRTUAL LOVE CARD with the Love Days, minutesandseconds together counterTired of same Love Images? Why don´t you give a surprise toyourcouple, with a super personalizated Love Card?Generate your Love Card.. Special for Years, Months, weeks &anydate anniversaries!Do you wanna know how many hours you have been together?Howmany days? How many weeks?You only need to enter your personal information, select apictureand you are ready!!- Easy share the Love Card that you created by Whatsapp,Facebook,etc- Download the personalized love card to your device - SDMemory(you can also print later)Please, rate us if you like our App! More votes moreupdated& fresh Love Apps! ★ ★ ★ ★ ★Don´t waste your time, and start creating the most RomanticLoveCards!Disclaimer:All trademarks mentioned belong to their owners, third partybrands,product names, trade names, corporate names and companynamesmentioned may be trademarks of their respective owners orregisteredtrademarks of other companies.About Ads:This it´s a free and super-lite ads application. There are adsinthis app. Application is free, it does not promote paid versionofthis app, the only way to support future development and contentisto include ads. Please treat that with understanding.
Loves ME ❤️ or Loves me Not💔? 1.3
Love Spain
Welcome to the new and romantic GAMEOFLOVE “LovesMe, LovesMeNot”...."Hey boy and girls, we all crush on that one specialrelation,but you are not 100% sure about your relation.. "Well hopefully our Love Game, “LovesMe, LovesMeNot” will keepyourhopes alive or wake you up and push you to move forward!Downloadand Play now the game of loveThe flower Daisy is called “Margarita” in Spanish, and it’sverycommon in Lovers, to use petals to ask if.. “Loves you, orLoves MeNot” . Do you Wanna try your luck?How to play "Loves ME ❤️ or Loves me Not💔?"1) Select your genre (Male-Female)2) Writer yours, and your Partner name3) Rate “How much you love” and click Next4) Select Between the 4 questions5) When you see the final result, you can Share &Downloadimage!6) Enjoy!Just touch each petal, and discover your luck!Very easy to use, and with a lot of cool features!- Touch each petal, or shake device- Share the Resulting Love Image through Whatsapp- You can also share it in your favourites Social Networks- Download the Result of your question with your partner name- Personalised Love Image for you and your partnerPlease, rate us ★★★★★ if you like our game, and send us alovemessage!Install our Free Love Game, and you will find the answer tothisquestions..- Loves Me, Loves Me not?- Is He / She the one?- Do I have chances with him/her?- Will our relationship last?* Have you ever wondered if he/she is the perfect oneforyou?* You are not sure about your relation, but still feel likethere'sa connection between the two of you, right?* Wondering if your relationship status will change soon? Hopingfora ring?Look no farther just ask the Flower about it!Please, rate us if you like our game! ★★★★★Thanks for play with us!About our free Love Game:This is a random generated results, please consider as a game,justfor fun!Please, rate us ★★★★★About Ads:This it´s a free and super-lite ads application. There are adsinthis app. Application is free, it does not promote paid versionofthis app, the only way to support future development and contentisto include ads. Please treat that with understanding.
Love & Romantic Images 🇺🇸❤US 1.3
Love Spain
Latest Love ImagesAndroid Application-A Super nice selection of Love Images andRomanticPictures. Simple to use, download, share and moreourunique and Fresh content, Love Images, Pictures, photosandmore in an excellent designed application.One of best Love & Romantic App of 2015 - Designed toExpressand share love daily!! ❤ ❤Now updated to 2016 Love Images VersionSend most romantic love pictures for WhatsappWhy we are a TOP FREE LOVE APP?1) Very easy & Simple to use - Just slide to see a newloveimage.2) Super nice design, and exclusive content!3) Just touch the (❤) in every love picture that you liked forandinstant storage in your device - SD .4) Touch Share button to send by WhatsApp, - Post best imagesyourFacebook & Twitter, Email and more!5) See Latest, Random Love images, or Categorized by subject.6) Very simple to “Set Wallpaper” in your smartphone with anicelove background7) We updated daily! NO need to updated the app.+ 20 Love Images Categories:Our Romantic pictures collection it´s super organized!Selectbetween our most popular Love Pictures categories;Love Cartoons & Draws, Love Images, Love Quotes,Romanticpictures, Valentine's day Pictures, Couples, For Him &Her,Good Night & Morning Love images, Love Images with Poems,LoveProposal images and much more categories that aredailyupdated!Some extra Features:- Add love photos to Instagram & Picasa- Upload love and romantic pictures to your DropBox account- “Random” - Just click “random” button and you will instant seenewfresh Love pictures and romantic images- “Search” Are you looking for a particular Love Image? Justsearchand enjoyPlease, rate us if you like our App! More votes moreupdated& fresh content! ★ ★ ★ ★ ★About Internet Usage:Application uses Internet connection to load images.Disclaimer:All trademarks mentioned belong to their owners, third partybrands,product names, trade names, corporate names and companynamesmentioned may be trademarks of their respective owners orregisteredtrademarks of other companies.About Ads:This it´s a free and super-lite ads application. There are adsinthis app. Application is free, it does not promote paid versionofthis app, the only way to support future development and contentisto include ads. Please treat that with understanding.About images:We use only Legal and Non-Watermarked pictures, photos,andcollages.Our App host Images that are 100% originals and exclusivecustommade.We have also CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) resources fromStockImages:(Pixabay, Stocksnap, PicJumbo, Pexels, Gratisography)If you are the owner of an image or video and want to begivencredit for your work or want it out of the app - just send usanemail and we will take care of it immediately.
Amor & Bachata - Frases (2016) 1.0
Love Spain
Frases de Amor de Bachata - LetrasdeBachata de Amor (2016)Siente el ritmo y el romance... comparte las frases de amordeBachata mas tiernas..Presentamos la nueva aplicacion de IFrases de Amor deBachata- Letras de Bachata de Amor (2016) ❤️ para compartirenWhatsapp.Nuestra collecion de frases de amor, contiene las fotosmasromanticas con frases en ESPAÑOL de las mejores cancionesdeBachata.Frases de Amor, extraidas de las letras de las cancionesdeAntony Santos,Chili Fernandez, Alex Bueno, Andy Andy, Felipe Pelaez yFrankReyes.Nuestras imagenes con Frases de Amor, inspiradas por losmasromanticos bachateros, como Hector Acosta, Joe Veras, LuisVargas,Monchi & Alexandra, Raulin RodriguezYoskar Sarante y Zacarias Ferreira entre otros..Las mejores canciones de Bachata, con Letras deAmorideales para dedicar..Queremos ser la app mejor valorada de Amor & Bachata, esporeso, que creamos una app muy facil y simple de usar, donde en2simples pasos estaras compartiendo la frase o imagen de amorporWhatsapp, Facebook, Twitter o tus redes sociales favoritas!Frases de amor unicas, nuevas frescas, novedosas, muy tiernasysobre todo muy romanticas.. tanto como una buena bachata.Nuestra app, posee Frases de Amor para copiar el texto yenviarlofacilmente, y tambien tiene imagenes de amor, con lasfrasesdentro.. utiliza la que prefieras!!Complementamente lista, para compartir las imagenes de amorporWhatsapp con tu pareja o quien quieras!1) Muy facil y simple de usar - Desliza para ver una nuevaimagende amor2) Excelente diseño y contenido exclusivo! Solo en Español-Castellano3) Actualizamos semalmente sin necesidad de que actualizeslaaplicacion.Contenido de Amor & Bachata!Algunas otras caracteristicas de nuestra APP:- Envia de manera inmediata la imagen romantica por Whatsapp- Sube facilmente las fotos a Instagram & Picasa, y cuentadeDropboxPor favor, si le gusto nuestra aplicacion gratuita, envie suvotojunto con una letra Romantica ★ ★ ★ ★ ★About Internet Usage:Application uses Internet connection to load images.Disclaimer:All trademarks mentioned belong to their owners, third partybrands,product names, trade names, corporate names and companynamesmentioned may be trademarks of their respective owners orregisteredtrademarks of other companies.About Ads:This it´s a free and super-lite ads application. There are adsinthis app. Application is free, it does not promote paid versionofthis app, the only way to support future development and contentisto include ads. Please treat that with understanding.About images:We use only Legal and Non-Watermarked pictures, photos,andcollages.Our App host Images that are 100% originals and exclusivecustommade.We have also CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) resources fromStockImages:(Pixabay, Stocksnap, PicJumbo, Pexels, Gratisography)If you are the owner of an image or video and want to begivencredit for your work or want it out of the app - just send usanemail and we will take care of it immediately.phrases Love Bachata-Bachata Song of Love (2016)Feel the rhythm and romance ... Share phrases tenderest loveBachata..Introducing the new application of iWisdom Love Bachata-Bachata Song of Love (2016) to share on Whatsapp ❤️ .Our words of love Collection contains the most romanticphotosSPANISH phrases in the best Bachata songs.Love phrases, taken from the lyrics of AntonySantos,Chili Fernandez, Alex Good, Andy Andy, Felipe Pelaez andFrankReyes.Our pictures with phrases of Love, inspired by the mostromanticbachata, as Hector Acosta, Joe Veras, Luis Vargas, Monchi&Alexandra, Raulin RodriguezYoskar Sarante and Zacarias Ferreira and others ..The best Bachata songs with lyrics Love idealtospend ..We want to be the best rated app of Love &Bachata,that's why, we create a very simple and easy app to use,where 2single estaras steps sharing the phrase or image of lovebyWhatsapp, Facebook, Twitter or your favorite socialnetworks!Unique phrases of love, new fresh, innovative, verytenderand above all very romantic .. much as a goodbachata.Our app, phrases Love has to copy the text and senditeasily, and also has pictures of love, with phrases within ..youuse the one you prefer !!Complementamente list to share pictures with Whatsapplovefor your partner or whoever you want!1) Very easy and simple to use - Swipe to see a newimageof love2) Excellent design and exclusive content! Only in Spanish-Castilian3) update semalmente without that you updatetheapplication.Love & Bachata content!Some other features of our APP:- Send immediately the romantic image for Whatsapp- Easily upload photos to Instagram & Picasa andDropboxaccountPlease, if you like our free app, send your vote withaletter Romantica ★ ★ ★ ★ ★About Internet Usage:Application use Internet connection to load images.Disclaimer:All Mentioned trademarks belong to Their owners, third partybrands,product names, trade names, corporate names and companynames May betrademarks Mentioned of Their respective owners orregisteredtrademarks of other companies.About Ads:This it's a free and super-lite application ads. There are adsinthis app. Application is free, it does not Promote paid versionofthis app, the only way to support future development and contentisto include ads. Please treat That With understanding.About images:We use only Legal and Non-Watermarked pictures, photos,andcollages.Our host App Images that are 100% originals and exclusivecustommade.We have also CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) resources fromStockImages:(Pixabay, Stocksnap, PicJumbo, Pexels, Gratisography)If you are the owner of an image or video and want to beGivencredit for your work or want it out of the app - just send usanemail and we will take care of it immediately.